Summer Uniform
- Royal blue skirt (School style A-line with box pleats) or culottes - Royal blue and gold check blouse (School style).
- Or royal blue and gold check dress (only available at Ashgrove West Drapery).
- Royal blue socks.
- Black leather shoes (or joggers - not covering ankles and no colour trim) with black laces.
- Royal blue school-style hat with school logo.
- Royal blue shorts (longer leg).
- Royal blue and gold check shirt.
- Royal blue socks.
- Black leather shoes (or joggers - not covering ankles and no colour trim) with black laces.
- Royal blue school-style hat with school logo.
Sports Uniform
Teachers will designate which day the children are to wear their sports uniform.
- Royal blue skirt (school style A-line with box pleats) or culottes.
- OLA sports shirt with school logo.
- Royal blue or white sports socks.
- Black leather shoes (or joggers - not covering ankles and no colour trim) with black laces.
- Royal blue school-style hat with school logo.
- Royal blue shorts (longer leg).
- OLA sports shirt with school logo.
- Royal blue or white sports socks.
- Black leather shoes (or joggers - not covering ankles and no colour trim) with black laces.
- Royal blue school-style hat with school logo.
Winter Uniform
As per summer uniform with the additional choice of ROYAL BLUE options for extra warmth when necessary.
Girls and Boys
- Royal blue OLA jumper, vest or jacket with school logo.
- Royal blue tracksuit pants.
- Royal blue or navy tights or stockings.
- Royal blue tracksuit pants.
Note: If Royal Blue is not available, choose Navy Blue.
Please clearly mark all hats, tracksuits, uniforms, lunch boxes, etc.
Other Points
- Children may wear one pair of plain studs or small sleepers only.
- Children may wear a medal or cross and chain around the neck.
- No rings of any kind to be worn, due to Workplace Health and Safety.
- Student's hair must be neatly groomed and shoulder length or longer hair must be tied back and off the face. This is for safety reasons and to minimise the spread of headlice.
- Student's hair must be of natural colour and the school Leadership Team reserves the right to insist on appropriate hair design and cut. Extreme hairstyles such as mohawks, mullets, undercuts, or designs shaved into hair are not permitted.
- Hair attire e.g. ribbons, scrunchies, headbands, and plain hair clips must be in the school colours of yellow, white or blue.
- A school hat must be worn at all times when students are involved in outside activities.
- Children MUST NOT be at school with:
- Coloured nails.
- Tattoos or decals.
- Body piercing other than ears.
- Make-up.
Staff members will check uniforms at times to make sure students are wearing the correct uniform in a neat and tidy manner.
- If students are unable to wear the correct uniform or any part of it, they require a note from parents explaining the reasons why.
- If a student is not wearing the correct uniform the student and parent will be asked to rectify the uniform breach in a timely manner.
- If there is a period of time when a child is unable to wear the uniform, this will be considered on an individual basis in consultation with the Principal.
Second-Hand Uniforms
If you wish to purchase a second-hand uniform please see the office.
Suppliers of the School Uniforms
School Threads
467 Waterworks Road, Ashgrove
Phone: 3366 1659
Contact: Sue or Jerry
Stafford Shopping Centre, Stafford
Phone: 3856 0498